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We provide access to investment options to increase your return or to put funds aside for your short-term or long-term needs.

Contact a Business & Agriculture Account Manager to help you choose the investments that are right for your business or farm.

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Regular GIC

A Regular GIC is used to set aside funds for any purpose or to earn a higher rate of return on your savings.

Interest Rate

12 months3.60%1.85%
24 months3.45%n/a
36 months3.40%n/a
48 months3.35%n/a
60 months3.40%n/a

Minimum Balance


Interest is calculated daily and is paid at maturity for terms of one year or less or annually for terms exceeding one year. Rates subject to change without notice.

Mutual Funds

A mutual fund is a cost-effective way to invest in the market.

The Credential Asset Management Investment Specialists at Caisse Financial Group offer a wide range of mutual funds from the top fund companies.

How a mutual fund works

  • A mutual fund combines the assets of many investors and invests the pooled funds in securities such as government treasury bills, government and corporate bonds, mortgages or stocks.
  • The diversified portfolio of a mutual fund is designed to help soften the impact of market fluctuations.
  • When you invest in a mutual fund you are buying units of the fund and each unit represents a portion of the fund value.
  • Returns are earned in the form of interest, dividends or capital gains depending on the type of investments in the mutual fund.
  • Returns are not guaranteed and are based on the performance of the investments in the mutual fund.
  • A mutual fund can be held in a TFSA, RRSP, RRIF, RESP or a non-registered account.
  • Management fees are charged based on the portfolio amount and the type of mutual fund.
  • You can set up pre-authorized transfers from your chequing or savings account to your mutual fund to ensure you reach your savings objective.


Contact a Credential Asset Management Investment Specialist. Consultations are free of charge.


Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc. Unless otherwise stated, cash balances, mutual funds and other securities are not covered by Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or by any other government deposit insurer that insures deposits in credit unions.
